The warm weather often leads to an influx of insects. We’ve likely all witnessed the scene of a frustrated person swatting away a wasp and it undoubtly makes their customers experience much less enjoyable.

While insects are great for our natural environment, they don’t necessarily help with the relaxing, social atmosphere that your establishment is looking for. Some customers may avoid using your outdoor space so that they don’t have to encounter any insects. Whereas others, just may not stay as long if the wasps, flies and ants do decide to make an appearance while they’re dining or enjoying a drink.

While insects are a natural part of your establishments outdoor area there are some things you can do that can help deter them and give your customer a more relaxing visit that will last longer.

Keep Your Sides Clean & Clear

Sticky sides encourage insects. To help prevent insects from going over to your guests you will want to make sure that your sides and tables are frequently wiped down of any food crumbs or spillages.

As well as this, you should ensure that any plates or glasses have been cleared away within a timely manner as insects are going to see this as an open invitation to your guests tables.

Outdoor furniture like synthetic rattan is particularly good for insect prevention. This is because synthetic rattan furniture is usually made out of plastics that don’t naturally attract bugs, pests or animals. It is also incredibly easy to clean with a spray disinfectant and a quick wipe down.

Teak furniture is also particularly effective as the natural oils in the wood act as a deterrent to pests and insects while remaining easy to clean.

Distract & Deter With Scents

It is commonly thought that scents such as lavender, rosemary, geranium and basil will deter wasps.

There are multiple studies suggesting the effectiveness of these essential oils when deterring insects. Citronella was one of the first essential oils proven to be a successful insect repellent.  Citronella candles can be easily found in many different sizes and will aid in making your outdoor space more atmospheric while deterring the insects.

In a further attempt to deter insects you may want to place some of these plants around your outdoor area. This could be a lavender plant in a pot or even planting a fragrant herb garden. One way you could integrate these plants into an outdoor dining space is by placing sprigs of the herbs into small vases to act as centerpieces for your outdoor tables.

Keep Litter Bins Away

A full litter bin will keep attracting flies and wasps. Particularly if it’s used for food waste. Making sure your bins are emptied frequently will prevent this. Another way to stop insects from being so attracted to your litter bins is to invest in bins that have enclosed tops.

You could consider placing some wasp deterrent plants (lavender, rosemary or peppermint) near the litter bins to further deter them from the location.

If possible, you should keep your bins at a distance from your seating areas. Particularly if they have completely open tops. This will keep any insect that are attracted to them away from your customers so that they can enjoy your area in peace.

Another top tip is that you can put a small amount of bleach inside the bin each day. This helps to mask the smells that attract wasps and flies.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions regarding which outdoor furniture is best for your establishment get in touch with our friendly team.

Call on 01926 889922

or Email [email protected]