Planters are a great way to add colour and quickly smarten up your outdoor space. Woodberry offer wooden, fibreglass and recycled plastic in a range of different sizes.

As well as this, we offer a range of faux plants that can be installed into your planter by one of our professionals.

Purchasing your new commercial planter online has never been easier. It’s as easy as 1,2,3.

1. Choose Your Planter

We offer a variety of planters in different sizes so you can pick the one that best matches your outdoor environment.

Wooden Planters- Our wooden planters are available as troughs (with and without wheels) or as a cube. The wood used is FSC certified and treated with a spirit based immersion treatment to protect the wood.

Recycled Plastic Planters- These heavy planters are durable and weather resistant. They are an excellent addition to public spaces as they require no maintenance and are vandal proof.

Fibreglass Planters- Our fiberglass planters are available in grey and black and come in three different styles; troughs, tall and cube.  Although lightweight, these planters are durable and much harder to move once filled.

Commercial Planters

2. Choose Your Filling

We offer a range of faux plants for our planters. When selecting a faux plant we typically provide the amount you will need to fit the specific planter. However, to arrange having more or less plants in your planter you can contact our team on 01926 889922.

Alternatively, you can select ‘none’ on the drop down options to source your own planter filling.

The faux plant options we provide are:

  • Box Hedges (only for trough planters)
  • Hydrangeas in pink and purple
  • Bamboo
  • Bay Tree

Contact our team to mix and match hydrangea colours.

Commercial Planter Fibreglass Black Cube

3. Pick Your Delivery and Installation

Our fibreglass planters come pre-assembled. However, the recycled plastic planters and the wooden planters are flat-packed. Our team can assemble these for you upon request.

Our planters come with a waterproof lining. This will prevent the planters from rotting from the inside. If you have opted for assembly our team can put this lining on for you.

If you have opted for filling and faux plants our team will assemble your planter and place your filling, decorative pebbles and plants within the planter. This option requires no maintenance and will last a long time.

Our standard delivery time for planters is 1-2 weeks or 2-3 weeks if you opt for installation. This will be confirmed by our team once your order has been processed.

recycled plastic planter tree

Get in Touch With Our Team

Our team would be happy to help if you have any questions regarding planters or need any advice on which option may be best for you.

Call us on 01926 889922

Or, email [email protected]