Anti microbial long table and 4 chairs either side of it in a canteen setting

Anti Microbial Indoor Furniture

We are launching a brand new range of indoor furniture that is Anti Microbial. It is proven to eliminate 96% of bacteria on its surfaces with no cleaning within 20 minutes.

The silver ion technology is integrated into the material of the furniture and the 24/7 cleaning ability lasts for the life of the furniture.

This type of furniture is widely used in Scandinavian countries especially in schools and health care settings to reduce bacteria from spreading.

Anti-Bacterial Qualities of the Furniture

The BioCoteĀ® silver-ion additive mixed into the material of the furniture means that any bacteria that gets onto its surface is inhibited from growing and dies off quickly.

Studies conducted by Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in 2018 showed a 4% survival rate of bacteria after 20 minutes on the surface with no cleaning. After 50 minutes the surface was 100% free from bacteria.

The Metropolia University also conducted a case study in a primary school in Finland over a period of 6 months setting up a class room with anti microbial furniture and one without as a reference group.
Both classes had similar cleaning and hand washing practices.

During the testing period, there was a 54% lower short-term absence rate in the anti microbial class compared to the reference group class.

Are you interested in Anti Microbial Furniture?

We are just launching this type of indoor furniture and we are interested to know how useful it can be to our clients, especially in schools, universities and office environments.

Please talk to our team for more information about anti microbial benefits and about the type of furniture that would be useful to you.

Call 01926 889922

Email: [email protected]