“A regular clean of your parasols and their covers is a lovely way to inject some freshness to your outdoors. Nobody wants to sit underneath a parasol covered in bird dirt and dried leaves. So get your hosepipe out and give your parasols a good blast of clean water and a squirt of mild detergent. It is advisable to have the hose on a gentle setting to avoid any splash back.

Woodberry parasol covers are machine washable, just check the care label to be sure you are putting your washing machine on the right setting.   For non-Woodberry parasol covers, be sure to double check they are machine washable, and if in doubt, just give them a gentle hose down.”

For a complimentary appraisal of your outdoor space and to ensure you are maximising it to its full potential, give me a call and I will happily help you by telephone or a site visit.

Pete Watts, Consultant, Pub Single Site Division